My child is sick - the effects on baby sleep
“A sick child is always a bit of a final boss,” said a good mom friend to me. And what should I say? Somehow she was right! Cough, runny nose,...
Sleep consultant
I am Jasmin, a certified sleep consultant. I work in an attachment and needs-oriented way and also with "highneed babies"/ highly sensitive babies and children.
I am happy to support you holistically with aromatherapy or human design for children. Would you like to learn more? Then take a look at my homepage www.fraueckertmeckert.de or follow me on instagram @frau_eckert_meckert
I look forward to seeing you!
All the best, Jasmin
“A sick child is always a bit of a final boss,” said a good mom friend to me. And what should I say? Somehow she was right! Cough, runny nose,...
Co-sleeping in the family bed: sleeping safely with your baby The family bed – love it or hate it 😉 I really didn’t think I was the family bed type,...
Today I can tell you something about night terrors (Pavor nocturnus)! What is that? Pavor nocturnus means something like “fear” or “night terrors” and is the scientific term for one...